Just what your special someone deserves -- a stunning bouquet of three dozen premium long-stem pink and red roses, which delivers smiles in spectacular style. It's the ultimate expression of your feelings, and is sure to always be remembered.
We are YOUR true family owned and operated florist, serving the entire Las Vegas community. We take great pride in always sourcing the freshest flowers from all corners of the world, the most unique and meaningful roses, and customer service is really our number one focus. If you are used to ordering flowers from a national internet retailer, you will be pleasantly surprised with the level of attention we give to you and your order. We know you have many choices when it comes to sending flowers to someone you care about, but we hope that after having used us once, we will become YOUR personal florist for life.
Registering provides you with personalized services, including: wish list, order status and promotions.
RegisterPlace your order by 1pm for same day delivery. From Birthday to Anniversary to Get Well flowers - all available for residential, hospital, and business delivery - trust Dancing Dandelion to have just the right arrangement for you.
Once your order is placed, our thoughtful floral artisans put together your arrangement by hand. Every time. There will never be another arrangement exactly like yours.
We take pride and the time to create each fresh design just for you, because it's the customer we care about most.
8520 W Warm Springs Rd. #102
Las Vegas, NV 89113
Just what your special someone deserves -- a stunning bouquet of three dozen premium long-stem pink and red roses, which delivers smiles in spectacular style. It's the ultimate expression of your feelings, and is sure to always be remembered.